Unlock the hidden world of weather with DIY instruments

Unlock the hidden world of weather with DIY instruments

Keeping kids prepared for fluctuating weather changes in the fall can be a challenge. No one wants to be the parent of the jacket-less child spending their recess shivering against the school wall because you both were unaware that a cold front would swoop in during...
Want to learn physics? Take a look back in time

Want to learn physics? Take a look back in time

Medieval fantasy has enjoyed a rabid cult following for decades, inspiring and captivating people across all interests — gamers, role players, actors, filmmakers, storytellers, designers and artists. Chalk it up to the popularity of J. R. R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the...
How do we keep girls engaged in STEM subjects?

How do we keep girls engaged in STEM subjects?

While in primary school, your daughter may show some strong interest and aptitude in STEM subjects. In recent years, researchers and educators have been pointing out what happens to this momentum toward a promising education and career in science, technology,...